Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sound and good
“ It is our duty to concentrate to  make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound”
(not good)
Joseph Smith

This means that we should makes the things that are popular sound great for example when someone choose to do the right thing that sound be known as popular for years and years we have develop people who are known as “ popular” the stupid kids the kids who do nothing in school the kids who just lack in school and we believe those are the people who we should call “popular” why is this why is it that the kids who do nothing are known the best maybe so we can stay away from them but these people are usually what brings in more people the people who are stupid and dumb should always be known as the unknown why because  they aren’t important to our world we shouldn’t care about people with little effort but the who actually care about school we call them nerds and they always get pushed around and they never really seemed to be known just the outcast because no one wants to be smart what’s so wrong  about being smart why do we always have to dumb ourselves down for anyone to let us in their life’s or to be known as something great? Why can’t it be the other way around

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