Wednesday, February 17, 2016

" What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right".
Albert Einstein

This means that you can be popular but that doesn't mean everything your doing is right like other kids look up to the popular kids like they are some type of god or something they aren't even close to being compared to god but they sometimes smoke drink and ditch school like it's the new thing honestly that is completely wrong your doing it wrong people should know the right from wrong if you aren't one to know the difference than you shouldn't be following anyone why because you could just be following someone who is a bad person. Be yourself also because everyone else is taken. I myself was one of those kids that wanted to be with the"cool' crowd but honestly the second i got in i notice that they weren't my type of people they were all immature annoying and doing everything wrong most of them were dumb or stupid like how is that attractive at all i would dare to date someone who is immature annoying a brat or plan stupid that's not me i would be with someone who knows what they want for themselves.

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