Tuesday, January 12, 2016


" When you tell one lie' it leads to another" 
Paul Hatch

This means that once you begin to lie it just means you are going to get used to lying and you life becomes a web of lies that you have told so many lies that it seems like everything about your life is untrue and some people start to forget whats the true and whats a lie. Lets say that your parents say no for you to go to this party, but your friends parents said it was okay for you to to go to the party and than you lie to your friend saying that your parents said it was okay to but when your parents find out that you aren't in bed and your at this party  you get your friend into trouble and yourself also and your friend will no longer trust you because you lied to her once whats going to stop you from doing it again it's like a cycle you start to think that lying is okay and that there is no consequence. Lying is some how grown to our life's and somehow know it is okay to lie well not for a lot of people me and myself won't lie at all i don't like lying at all i don't think lying gets you anywhere!!

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