"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; And wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it"
William penn
statement is 100% true just because it seems like everyone is for the bad side doesn't make it right you have to know your right from wrong and also. For example if they were you picking it the right side could be going home and throwing the small party there or going to your friends house where there is no one to super vise and that you know your friend will drink and invite a lot of guys to the house and everyone wants to go to the party where there is no parents because clearly that seems like the dream for every kid and to drink and to have a great time but drinking and having boys over doesn't make that happen like it makes it seem like it because you know you never know you could go but not drink while all of your other friend are drinking and have what they call a very good time. but you suggest to do the party at your house where there can be music dancing pizza drinks and also a pool and a lot of other great games only the true people who know how to chose the right will follow the right. But the people who were ctw people will more and likely get cought because they go home drunk and or they smell like beer and or your parents pick you up early to take you home and find you there with beer and a lot of guys which your parents will never trust you again for one lying about who you were going to be with and two for drinking which would get you really in trouble you should all just know to follow your own path even if others people path seems like the right path follow yourself and what you believe in not anyone else path but yours because than if you mess up you can't blame anyone else for your wrongs just yourself.

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