9/11 memorials
9/11 was the most tragic thing that has happened to this world it made us change the way we think and the way we take in war and we just see how easily someone life could just be gone and with no help. Being trapped in the twin towers must have been a night mare. The other two attempts were the other airplanes one hit the pentagon center and the other the people from the airplane had crash into someone in Pennsylvania so it didn't make it to where it wanted to. The first memory i had about 9/11 was very sad to me i didn't believe anyone could ever do such a thing not care about killing so many people i didn't think anyone would be so curl to do such a thing. Ever time i listened to the story of 9/11 i always wanted to do more research after we talked about it, just amazes me on how something like that could happen and how we couldn't do anything to stop the problem. My reflection is i really hope that everyone who died in 9/11 will be remember as a hero and a great person in life that no one was forgotten and may they rest in peace.

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