Thursday, June 9, 2016

  1. I liked that mr.haymore always told us to never give up and to never make the wrong choice in our life.
  2. i hated doing the typing tutor i feel like it was so boring and since i already knew how to type it was more easier yes but super boring. Also i didn't like writing in my journal because it seems 
  3. i feel like if you just do everything your supposed to do in this class you will be fine.
  4.  My highlight was when i met a an amazing teacher who year around never failed to not tell us to choose the right.
  5. i did even though this is an elective i knew that i wanted to pass all my classes and honestly if you didn't do any work in this class you would get bored very fast
  6.  I have only written in it as i'm supposed to but on a regular day when i don't have this class i don't write or read it but i like think think that over the years go by i will save this book and see how many things have i accomplished over the years
  7.  I am being i feel like if i start being a bad person again i'm only going to hurt myself and the people who love me the most.
  8. To never give up, to never give up on trying on what you want the most, to never forget that you sometimes need to put yourself out there in order to get what you want.
  9. i'll ALWAYS remember to choose the right no matter where i am or where i go and who i'm with.
Last lecture
“You will go far with CTR”   Mr.Haymore

This quote means that when you decide to be a ctr person a lot of good stuff will come into your life. There will only be good in your life it would be filled it happiness which happiness is key to everything else in the world happiness is connected with love also like if you're not happy with yourself or with the person you're with there is nothing no love or connection with the other person. When you choose to be ctw free it’s like from that moment on there isn’t going to be nothing bad happening to you because you learn to make the right choices even when the choice is difficult and hard to make at times but at the end of the day you will always be choosing the right because you want to be rewarded or happy at the end of the day. Like forrest gump said life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get that’s 100% true but your life is your you choose your own path the right or the wrong and that will certainly tell your future tell you what you are going to get for the rest of your life. Example me…. When i was in gage i was a bad kid i never did anything right because at that age i was just thinking of having fun like”yolo” you only live once stuff i was a very stupid child and i never did anything correct another reason why was because i loved the attention that came with being bad but the second i realized that it wasn’t fun to be bad because to you it might seem like yeah i’m cool stuff but honestly you look stupid and dumb and then you set yourself for failure in your life because then everyone will know you as the kid that doesn’t do anything right.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Ultimate choice
Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all other-the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
The Ultimate Choice is:
To be a CTR person-to always choose the right 24/7
Mr. Haymore

I think when you choose to always be the right type of person to choose that no matter what the right thing to do is always to pick what is best for you or for others because nothing bad will come from it. When you be a good person people always want to be around you but if you're a negative person no one will want to be around you because than no one will want someone that is always saying dumb stuff and always saying things to put people down. You need to choose to be something of yourself you need to choose on being a good person is what you want to be for the rest of your life or if you want to keep hitting or missing your life or playing the board game life.

Friday, June 3, 2016

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.
Chinese Proverb

This quote means that Yourself as a person if you have great character you have great morals you are beauty. Without having great character our nation our world would be so different like the president if he didn’t have great character and great morals where would we stand as a nation right now where would we be in 10 to 20 years from now? Would we be the same or would our nation as a whole change? How would we treat one another would we treat them with respect, or with no respect and just do whatever we please? Life is full of questions. I think that if the president didn’t have great morals he would have something bad in mind something that would harm all of us i don’t think we would pick someone to run our country with bad character and bad morals because it would be like voting for hitler over and over again we wouldn’t live somewhere where we get the respect we do we wouldn’t get much anything we would be 1000x times worst than we are today. Mostly all of us our filled with great character but some people don’t know what's good for them so they choose to be a condescending person because they think that they will get life handed to them but they won’t because life doesn’t work that way but they will always be oblivious to life and stay clueless
Challenges Teens face Today
  1. Cyberbully, bullying, pressure to do things, Being apart of something, doing good
  2. I feel like making sure i do good in everything and pressure to not make any types of mistakes. I feel like i like being pressured to do good in everything i feel like that is kinda like a goal to do good because you want to make sure that everything you do is good. Also when i feel pressured not to do bad or make mistakes i feel like everyone is human and we do make mistakes sometimes we aren’t all perfect we aren’t going to always make good choices i keep that in mind if i make a mistake than i know i get pull myself up again and make sure that i learned from my lesson and not do it again we learn from our wrongs all the time.
  3. I Think that being a ctr person made me think that i should always try to be good even if there is bumps on the way because there is always a right way and a wrong but sometimes you can’t really tell the differences.
  4. Everyone should always listen to their gut because when you learn to always do that right thing your gut or your consuens will always tell you the right thing to do. You shouldn’t always put a lot of pressure on yourself and also take everything competitive because it’s your life that you fight for all the time.

Teens always need someone there for them to help them out in life someone who will always fight for them like your parents or friends that always encourage you to do good and not only that but to push you to do good. Also always know who you are as yourself and as a person because if you don’t know who you are you going to be confused in a lot of the process.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating”

I think this statement is true i would be much prouder if i got a 100% A by knowing that i studied and know that i worked hard for it than me having to cheat and pretend to be happy and me knowing that i know i would have never passed if i didn’t cheat because i didn’t want to study for the test. Than me feeling bad and then needing to tell the teacher the truth and the teacher not trusting me anymore to do anything and then she would need to put me apart from the other people because she can’t trust if i’m going to cheat or not. I don’t think that I would ever cheat because i feel a lot more happier i remember when i used to cheat i would be showing off to everyone and being like look i got a better grade than you but then knowing that i didn’t get the grade because i worked hard for it but i got the grade because i cheated and it seemed easier for me to cheat than just to study honestly studying is a lot more easier than to cheat because then you would be too scared and have to watch your back to make sure that the teacher doesn’t see you doing anything wrong or doesn’t see you cheating with her own to eyes and when you study you don’t need to worry about where the teacher is at or what she’s doing only what you are doing because that’s all that matters.
A current Health-Related event or issue
Air pollution

There has been around 6 million deaths per year in china because of air pollution. Also in beijing they had their first red alert about smog which means that they are actually getting a lot of air pollution there are causes in the world that we don’t even know about because it’s not us going through it so because it not us it doesn’t seem like a big issue. This is health problem because of this air pollution a lot of kids and even adults are having breathing issues because the air over there is so bad i personally didn’t know someone could die from air pollution but anything is possible.Health workers and systems around the world should be preparing for a rise in respiratory and other related health troubles. This affects me because what if that was us needing to wear mask over our faces and not being able to smell fresh air and being scared that we are going to die if we don’t wear mask in our face because that's something to protect us from the bad air the smog that is out there. We don’t seem to care what goes on with them we don’t do anything about it because it’s their fault.

Friday, May 27, 2016

“Memorial day”
American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Those who fought for our freedom the people who made us who we are today our nation and this day honors those who let this all be true.
When is memorial day It is in may 30th
To go to their tombstone and to give them flowers or something.
Memorial day become a federal holiday in 1971
Somethings i will do to show honor is go to a show or something about memorial day and to honor those who have fought for our freedom and those who sacrifice themselves for what we are today

I think that memorial day is something that is great sometimes i feel that we don’t appreciate those who are in the army or who were in the war. That day we lost a lot of soldiers and i feel like those who fought so hard for our freedom should be known as great heroes that will always be honored for their great work and we are never going to forget those who tried and accomplish for us in the future would have our freedom. I have a cousin who is in the army i respect him a lot because not a lot of people have the courage to go out there and fight for our nation. I honestly didn’t know what this day was all i knew is that because of this holiday i didn’t have school which makes every kid very happy who wouldn’t get happy about going to school and they don’t really care if this holiday isn’t christmas or thanksgiving because it isn’t a big holiday like those but as you get older you get wiser and you start to realize that memorial day has a true meaning

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Eight great reasons to tell the truth
1.Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened.
  1. TELLING THE TRUth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
  2. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
  3. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying.
  4. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
  5. You don’t have to tell more lies to keep your story straight.
  6. You gain a reputation for being truthful- a trait most people value.
  7. Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.

When you tell the truth there are a lot more benefits to telling the truth unlike lying when you lie no one trust you it’s almost like when you cry wolf you tell lie after lie after lie than finally when you tell the truth no one will believe you and what if you are in serious problem no one is going to believe you because who would want to believe a liar. When you tell the truth people believe you a lot more than if you were to lie and when you tell the truth no one will be like oh well she was the one that told me she lied that will never happened to you because when someone tells the truth everyone believes you and trusts you but when all you do is lie no one trusts you and a lot of people would not want to be around you a lot of people want to be around someone is truthful honest and never lies their way in-to life no one ones to be around someone who lies and spreads stuff that isn’t true. Life is a lot more easier and a lot more simple you don’t need to worry about remembering that lie you made up or that you have to make up another lie to save yourself from being caught the second that you start lying you are going to want to tell the truth in that second because it better tell the truth than be caught with a lie.
Yoga therapist
Duties and responsibilities: yoga therapists plan workout regiments teach integrative yoga to clients and keep their clients healthy and safe. They must have at least a 200 hour basic certification in order to teach in a group setting.
Salary:$39,410 (fitness trainers and instructors)
Education needed: Fitness trainers don’t really need any sort of education but most of them at least have a high school diploma.
Demand for this profession: there is 13% of fitness trainers and instructors.

   Add a picture:

Reflections: i wouldn’t want to be a yoga instructor because it seems like a boring job and i don’t like touching other people i would feel like i would break something of them or i am not even good at yoga know i can barely stand on one foot i would never be able to do yoga.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Student success statement
“ if i’ve got correct goals, and if i keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line. If i do the right thing right, i’m going to succeed.”
Dan Dierdorf

This quote means that when you know that you need to choose the right thing to do and you know that you can either pick the good way to go or the bad way to go sometimes you may pick the bad way to go and then you realize that it didn’t do any good for you that all it did was get you into trouble and get you sad because than maybe you won’t be able to go out and you see that everything is out of place and you soon to realize that you are a mess and you don’t know what to do with yourself because you know that it will be hard to to get back on your feet. But you still to decide to go the right path and you choose that it was time for you to change and that you are ready for something new and you start choosing the right paths and the right things to do and the right things to say and to be there at the right times and not the bad that you always know what the right thing is and to never think twice about doing the right thing even if it sounds like fun and you don’t do any bad things anymore and you miss that feeling on when you were scared to death and that your heart would beat faster or something but you know what the right thing and so you do it and the end of the day because you know later you would be rewarded for it instead of be punished for it
Wellness specialist

Duties and responsibilities: strives to provide her clients with the most up-to-date and accurate information on diet, exercise and health. The exact job duties vary depending on the type of employer, but most include meeting with clients to determine their health wants and needs and setting up programs to help clients achieve their goals.
Salary: they usually make a total amount an hour of $15.77 and then they make a total amount of $44,480 a year.
Education:  After two years of having this job you would need to get a re-certification it would cost about $200 for the 2 years if you want to get a new re-certification. Also the education needed is when you of a degree in discipline such as nursing, fitness or sports medicine.
Demand for this profession :
37% from 2010-2020

I wouldn’t want to be this it sounds boring and not for me.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Good values
“ The most important thing you will ever have is good values”
Dennis Prager

This means that when a person has good values it like you can depend on that person a lot more than a person with no good morals or a person who doesn’t have great values everything counts in life and it’s important to know to have these great skill to there are so many skill that one should have but how can we get all of them each skill take time and effort to put in or incorporate into someone’s life because if you aren’t used to that skill or if you don’t already have that mindset in your mind it is like starting all over into a new chapter in your life like how can i improve on myself a lot more better how can i make myself shine more than everyone else’s how can i make myself a better person someone who is nice and has great values and to let others knows that you aren’t a failure you are going to become something and for sure when you are going to become something you have to be someone can depend on because if you get a job and someone can’t depend on you to print someone thing out or to get the correct coffee for them and something as simple as that and you mess up how can someone depend on you for something a lot more bigger than that it’s impossible you have to prove to them that you want it bad you can’t just be a bad person with no respect to anyone and than expect to get the job you want it doesn’t work that way because than life would just be easy and life is never easy
Duties and Responsibilities:
They check for illness in pets They diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and other animals. For example if a dog is throwing up after meal they eat the veterinarian is there to see why is that so.
Salary:they make $88,490 per year
$42.54 per hour
Education: They must have a doctor veterinary medicine degree from a veterinary college and a state license.
Demand for this profession: there are a total amount of 78,300 jobs and their are 9% of job outlook also 6,900 employment change.

Reflection:  I would maybe want to be one because i do love all kinds of animals but birds but they seem to get paid well and i do love pets so maybe this is a job i can look into if i didn’t go through with my ot

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

An internal phenomenon
“ The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity,and self-esteem”.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger

This quote means that when someone does good that actually recognized it you can get rewarded for it. For example when someone finds an iphone and they turn it into the lost and found you will feel proud and something good would come your way and that means either if you lose something it would be found. You and everyone should always make the right choice because than when you choose the right something good will come back to you which is always a good thing you always want something good coming back to you not only will something come back to you but you will be known as that good person who always knows what to say or what to do because you choose the right to start with it’s not like someone will get upset for you choosing the right it’s not like someone will get very upset with you or fight with you about it and it’s not like someone will scream at you no someone will reward you for you doing a great job. Not a lot of people would have chosen the right if someone else who isn’t as nice as the man was to return the ipad they could have just went off and took the money and not say a thing and go about their day what if someone really needed that money to pay for something it isn’t your’s someone really worked hard for all that money just for it to be taken away without anyone returning the money to the right owner. What if you get caught with all that money you will be punished for having stolen money.

Friday, May 13, 2016

World records
Oldest woman to live
This woman lived to be 116 and then she died
Pizza delivery
Highest altitude pizza delivery on land, after General Manager of Pizza Hut Africa Randall Blackford, a group of employees and a team of experienced guides hiked to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro where they shared a pepperoni pizza at 5,897 m (19,341 ft).

The tallest man living is Sultan Kösen (Turkey, b.10 December 1982) who measured 251 cm (8 ft 2.8 in) in Ankara, Turkey, on 08 February 2011.

The largest hiking boot measures 7.14 m (23 ft 5 in) long, 2.50 m (8 ft 2 in) wide and 4.2 m (13 ft 9 in) tall and was made by Schuh Marke (Germany).

I choose the old woman because that is crazy how a woman could live to be 116 years old that seems very crazy honestly i would want to die before i turn 70 or 60 because i don’t want to be living at such an old age. I choose the pizza guy because who would think to go to the farthest place a deliver pizza then eat it your self that sounds kinda stupid and dumb i would just take the pizza at home and then watch something online. I also choose the largest guy because that is also crazy on how someone could be so tall.

Phillip Riggs’
Four Success Tips
  1. Work hard.
  2. 2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing
  3. 3. Don’t chase after money.
  4. 4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.

Those are Phillip four success tip the first one it is saying work hard for what you want nothing is going to handed to you. Nothing in the world is going to be given to you out of nowhere because life doesn’t work that way when you work hard you get to meet the requirements and when you don’t work hard it’s like why would you get anything for example today i tryout for volleyball and i didn’t make the cut of course i’m sad but that just means i have to work harder and tryout next year and to never give up on trying and going for what i truly want in life. Don’t just think about the money for example a job you want to have the highest paying job but you don’t like the job that is highest pay but you do it anyway you want to have fun in your job because if you don’t then what would be the whole point find a job you have a passion for you can get paid and still have fun at work it won’t be so difficult to wake up in the morning to even go to work you would wake up with joy and happiness ready to go to work because you know what you are doing you love and you wouldn’t change it for anything else because that is what makes you happy and nothing else. If you do good other people will notice you doing good and they will be kind to give back.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Air pilots
Duties and responsibilities: The pilot's duty is to take the plane to the destination it is required to go too.
Salary: airline industry was $165,278. JetBlue has the lowest maximum captain's salary, $123,400.
Education: A high school diploma is not necessary to become a air pilot but the FAA does require people to read, write and speak English, though. Flight school, military training or private lessons give beginners their initial flight education.
Demands there is a huge demands for being a air pilot because a lot of airlines are having to cancel flights because they couldn’t find a pilot to take the plane to and from place to place.

Reflection: i would not want to be a pilot because i’m scared that i might crash the plane and kill everyone in the air plane.

Monday, May 9, 2016

“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
Wilford woodruff

This quote means that When you cheat on a test or on a person sooner or later the people are going to find out that you cheat what if you cheat on a test in high school but never get caught for it but when you go to college let’s say there is a test on it and you don’t know what to do because you didn’t pay attention and earn the points yourself and study but instead you cheated and now you don’t know what to do and you fail the test which affects you alot more in college then in high school then you think back on why didn’t i just study why didn’t i just work hard back then and not take everything a joke you will never succeed in life if all you do is cheat your way in it everytime and you kept saying you're going to change that this is going to be the last time but that was all a lie and you got hooked on it and you realize that it's much easier to cheat then to try but what happens when the real test come up and the teachers move everyone and you're by yourself then who are you supposed to depend on for your work clearly not yourself because you don't even get the work because all year you cheated on every single test and then the teacher asks you why did you fail the final and you tell her the truth and she is disappointed in you and for the rest of the year you have to sit by yourself because she can’t trust you to be around with other people because she can’t trust you anymore.
Random topic:

summer vacation

I’m talk about the time my parent’s left to mexico and i was all home alone with my sister and her boyfriend and her son. I still had to go to school everyday but like when i came back home from school i felt kinda happy and I felt free well my reason being is that they always keep me trap i feel like i can't do anything and when they left i felt like i could do anything but of course the right things because i still have eyes watching me i went with my cousin richie he is in the army and he got stationed off he was gone for like 9 months and so when he came all of us went to the beach and we just stayed there and we all saw the sunset and i would never forget to call my mom everyday to see how she was doing because she would always tell my dad to call me and ask me how i am but also because i started missing them then the next day we went to this cool spot where you could see all of L.A it was so beautiful and i couldn’t believe there was something that beautiful and i literally stood there for like an hour just looking at the sky and at the whole view of the city. I didn’t want to go home for the first time i felt at peace when you're up there and you see the view you have this tendency to forget all the problems you have in your life because nothing seem to be that important in that very moment i would do anything to go back to that day and just forget about my problems. In the summer i am going to go to Texas and just get away from all the stress in my house because everything seems to be haunted in that house and When i go to visit my brother in july i'm just going to hang out don’t worry about problems at home because it’s going to be my vacation. I can’t wait to see my brother again i missed him very much.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Speech Pathologist
Duties and responsibilities: A speech Pathologist helps people or patients to treat or prevent communication and swallowing disorders such as strokes,brain injury and hearing loss.
Salary: The speech Pathologist wins a total amount of $73,410 per year and a total amount of $35.29 per hour
Education requirement: speech Pathologist needs a masters degree and they must be licensed from the state but that varies from state.
Demand for this profession: total people with this job is about 135,400  the job outlook is about 21%.

Reflection: I wouldn’t want to be a speech pathologist because then i would need to communicate with people and what if i say the wrong thing and i get blame for saying the wrong thing i feel like if they ask me a certain question i would feel like i would put my own personal feelings in which in this job or any job that wouldn’t be fine in.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

“ I have been asked what i mean by ‘ word of honor’. I tell you: place me behind prison walls- walls of stone ever so high, ever so think, reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another i might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can i get out of that Circle no, never! I’d die first”.

Karl G. Maeser

What this quote means is that when someone makes a promise it’s something you're supposed to keep to yourself and no one else should keep that for you i mean for example when someone is going to make a promise like oh you won’t date my ex do you promise that and then weeks later you break that promise with your friend and she gets mad and sad about it was it really worth is was it worth probably losing a really good friend for a boy you shouldn’t be fighting for guys at all. Another example is when you tell your mom i won’t go to that party and you still go anyway that’s not what if something really bad happens
Medical Scientist
Duties and responsibilities: What medical Scientist do is help on improving the health of humans and also help improve the use of medical clinics.

Salary in medical scientist
$82,240 per year
$39.54 per hour
Education: The education needed in this is doctoral or professional degree.
Demand for this profession: There is about 107,900 people with this job which is an 8% of population with this job.
Reflection: I wouldn’t want to be an medical scientist because i feel like it’s A lot of work and also I feel that that’s not something i would be good at especially since i’m not very good at bio i’m not talented